The different meanings of
من هنا "Difference in meaning of "Nation
you translate a word within a sentence, you have to select the appropriate
meaning of this word in the context.
you translate the word "التحرير", you can translate it as "liberation" if it
means freedom or to "liberate" a country or someone.
For example:
جبهة التحرير قد هاجمت قاعدة بليك الامريكية
'The liberation front
has attacked the American Blake base.
Also, you can translate
it as "editorial",
if it means editing texts to puplish on newspaper.
For example:
عضو مجالس التحرير بعدد
من الدوريات القانونية والعلمية
Member of the Editorial Board
of a number of legal and scientific magazines
addition, when you translate the word "التحرير", you can translate it as "liberalization"
if it means the precondition for privatization and globalization.
For example:
ولا يبدو أن قطاع المزارع مستعد
لمواجهة تحديات التحرير.
The farming sector does not appear to be well prepared
to meet the challenges of liberalization.